


なお、本資料のデジタル化にあたっては、文化庁「令和5年度 Innovate MUSEUM事業」の補助を受けた。
〈外部リンク〉文化庁 令和5年度 Innovate MUSEUM事業 ネットワークの形成による広域等課題対応支援事業
〈外部リンク〉和歌山県立近代美術館 移民と美術

Domoto family’s documents on trading

The Domoto family documents from Higashioi, formerly Tanaka village (now Higashioi, Kinokawa city) are one of a group of documents transferred from the prefectural library at the time of the Archive’s opening. Among them, materials on U.S. trade will be made public.

From the Domoto family, brothers Takanoshin and Kentaro, who moved to the United States in 1884 (Meiji 17) and run a flower garden business (nursery). Later, two younger brothers, Tomonoshin and Mitsunoshin, also crossed the sea, relying on their older brothers. The Domoto brothers played a pioneering role in immigration in the region, supporting emigrants from their hometown of Higashioi when their flower garden business became successful.

According to Kashu Nihonjin Kaengyo Hattenshi (History of the Development of the Japanese Flower Garden Industry in California) (Collection of Wakayama City Library), the Domoto brothers started growing flowers around December 1885 (Meiji 18). Material No. 9085-54 is a record of an order form for flower and plant seeds and saplings sent to the Domoto brothers in San Francisco, California in 1886 (Meiji 19) from their eldest brother Kichinoshin who lived in Wakayama. From this material, we can determine the types of plants that the Domoto brothers, who later became successful in the flower gardening and trading business, began to cultivate in their early years, as well as their trade (export) routes and the expenses they incurred.

The digitization of these materials was carried out with the support of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan’s Innovate MUSEUM Project in the fiscal 2023.

(翻訳:重野佳園) , (Translation:Kae Shigeno)


整理番号 標題 年代 作成者 宛名 形態 資料
9085-52 米国積柑類買入帳
明治25年 横帳 PDF
9085-53 米国行柑類帳 明治29年度 横帳 PDF
9085-54 米国桑港エ諸苗種類贈ル控
明治19年8月吉日 横帳 PDF

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